Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Watch out For Sickness!

The change in weather usually brings about allergies and many people getting sick and living in a dormitory can make it that much easier to pass it on to others.

Living in such close quarters with large numbers of people, it can become a stomping ground for the spreading of infectious illnesses. According to an article by the Los Angeles Times, "Cram college students into close quarters -- the shared restrooms, the group dining, the TV lounges where a steamy bag of microwave popcorn becomes communal property -- and dorm living can suddenly become a daily exercise in dodging illness."

Luckily for registered students, CSULB's Student Health Services provides a highly trained and educated staff that conducts medical services, preventative health and health education programs. 

It is very important for those living on campus to be cautious because according to an article by The New York Times, "There are few living arrangements, doctors say with a shudder, that are more fraught with contamination possibilities than the college dorm."

 Outside view of CSULB's Student Health Services building.
Picture taken by Jared Ames.
Inside lobby of  CSULB's Student Health Services building.
Picture taken by Jared Ames.

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