Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Underage Drinking...

Underage drinking is inevitable especially in the dorm rooms of college universities, but the problem has been getting better over the years.

Most universities have been cracking down on on-campus drinking over the years. According to an article in the Press-Telegram, "CSULB was among the campuses with the biggest improvements. CSULB reported a 14.7 percent decline in binge drinking and a 5.8 percent drop in driving after drinking." Although there has been a massive decline in drinking on campus, it has not been completely eliminated. 

There are still students who drink on campus in the dormitories but they have to be careful of the strict authorities. One student who spoke with anonymity says she is a freshman in the College of Liberal Arts and loves to drink with her dorm mates while playing games but they never get out-of-hand. 

Drinking can be fun in the dorms but the potential consequences involved can be severe when the authorities find out. 

Alcoholic beverages that should not be consumed by minors.
Pictures taken by Jared Ames.

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