Wednesday, April 20, 2011

To The Dining Hall!

The dormitory dining halls accommodate numerous students throughout the week, serving them a balanced variety of nutritious food.

The buffet-style eateries have been designed by an award-winning Executive Chef and Register Dietitian to create a variety of foods fit to accommodate those ranging from meat-lovers to vegans. The menu runs on a 4-week cycle making it easier to not get sick of eating the same thing day after day. Its friendly environment attracts residents and non-residents throughout the week.

Residence Dining Hall employee, Yajaira Toledo, a sophomore studying sociology, says that she enjoys working there because it has a relaxed environment as long as you are doing what you are supposed to. It does not appear to be a stressful job, but not every employee is happy.

A former employee who wants to remain anonymous says he did not like working at the dining halls because of their unethical food practices. He is a vegan and feels like they do not follow a ethical standard of food preparation or handling.

The dining halls are open Monday through Friday for breakfast, lunch and dinner and also provide brunch and dinner on the weekends.

Outside view of Residence Dining Hall.
Picture taken by Jared Ames.

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