Thursday, April 7, 2011

RLC Has Its Pros

The Residential Learning Center is an off-campus housing facility belonging to California State University, Long Beach that can house up to approximately 560 students.

As stated by an article in the Grunion Gazette, "The CSULB Foundation purchased the property for $11.1 million in September 2007 from the company that leased the site to Brooks College, according to Brian Nowlin, associate executive director of the CSULB Foundation."

This dormitory is off-campus but there are pros that are considered preferable. RLC housing provides general education courses that can be taken in the facility without being transported to CSULB's main campus. Also, students have the luxury of not being stuck on campus all the time and have free shuttle rides to and from the main campus that run within minutes of each other from early morning until night. Some students prefer the RLC campus because of its perks.

"I would much rather live in the RLC housing than on campus because it was just  recently renovated and the layout is better," says freshman RLC resident, Ben Fleck, "It's nice because its easier to get to know everybody with the way it is setup."    

There are multi-purpose and study rooms, on-site academic advising, classrooms, and a dining hall in which the students are not limited to because they are allowed to use the dining halls on CSULB's main residence halls as well. This off-campus facility offers a small, friendly feel with the opportunities of a large university.

 Ben Fleck and his roommate in their dorm at RLC.
Picture taken by Jared Ames.
The front of the RLC dormitory.
Picture taken by Jared Ames.

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