Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Beach Idol!

Long Beach Idol was holding auditions yesterday in the Los Alamitos Residence Hall for the upcoming event on April 20th, 2011. The event begins at 8pm and ends at 11pm and is free for all those who live in the dorms. The auditions took place yesterday and were being filmed to simulate one of the most watch television programs in America, American Idol. The event will also be recorded and both will be played on CSULB's closed circuit television station Channel 3.

The top contestants will be awarded with pizza parties and other great prizes, giving them an incentive to do their best and show off their singing skills. This is event is getting a lot of attention, "I can't wait to go to Beach Idol and see all of the talent, it should be a lot of fun," said Amy Fox, a resident in the Los Alamitos dormitory. The event will take place at CSULB's Residential Learning College, which is the only off-campus dormitory facility.

Room where Beach Idol auditions were taken place.
Pictorial by Jared Ames
Retrieved from

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